Addressing tight hamstrings, calves & plantar fasciitis

Hello! How has your week been? xx I am continuing to receive amazing and thought provoking questions from many of you around the world, so please keep your questions flowing so I can cover them within my podcast episodes. If you would like to leave me a question, CLICK HERE to email me what you would like me to cover in upcoming episodes. Special announcement I am really excited to be welcoming a pelvic floor expert into the membership [...]

Addressing underlying issues to Hip & Shoulder pain

Hello! How has your week been? I hope you are well xx Thank you so much for your response to my recent post on The Total Somatics Facebook and Instagram pages. If you are not following my social media pages, you are welcome to find out more in between these blogs and podcasts. CLICK HERE to join Total Somatics on INSTAGRAM. CLICK HERE to join Total Somatics on FACEBOOK Within the post on Facebook and Instagram, I invited [...]

Why stretching has very little effect on tight muscles

Hello! How are you? It feels like ages ago since I last wrote to you with my latest podcast! Hopefully you joined me for The Total Somatics FREE video series recently. It was great sharing so much with you and hearing from you all. The areas of Pain and Stress Relief, which I covered within the video series are so important for our long term health and wellbeing. Following the video series, I opened [...]

Stress & Pain relief techniques for daily life

Hello! I hope you have had a brilliant weekend! My blog has landed in your inbox a few days earlier than usual because I will been collecting all your AMAZING comments, questions and feedback from the 2 question survey and on Wednesday 16th February I close the survey. The information will help me to create a tailored video series to serve you within the areas of Pain & Stress Relief. So the more I hear from you, [...]

Regain Flexibility, Healthy Posture & Shock Absorbency

Hello! How are you? Thank you for your lovely message during this last week. I have really loved hearing from many of you around the world. It is wonderful to hear how many of the audio classes and workshops within the Total Somatics ONLINE SHOP are creating fantastic benefits to your muscles, joints and overall pain levels. I have lots of EXCITING things to share with you this week! First I would like to share this week's podcast [...]