How to enhance the quality of your Breath, Posture & Movement

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a wonderful rest over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Are you ready for 2022? I am looking forward to serving you this year with some amazing new features and content inside and outside of The Total Somatics membership. Recently I put a call out to ask the general public what they would like Total Somatics to create to support them with their health and wellbeing. [...]

How to create & nurture Resilience when you feel Triggered

Hello! How are you? It has been a busy few weeks as I finish in clinic for the holidays and I also held the last Total Somatics members' workshop for 2021, covering lots of brilliant questions. I am sure you would agree the last few weeks of the year, simply fly by! During the last few weeks I have had AMAZING conversations with lots of people and there has been a great deal of discussion over mindset and [...]

Take back control of your health & wellbeing – Mini series: Video 1

Hello! How are you? Well we have an exciting week ahead! This weekend I will be opening the doors to the membership for the final time in 2021. During this special week, I have created a 3 part mini series for you to enjoy. If you haven't already signed up to the LIVE Q&A session this weekend (the replay is available for a limited time), CLICK HERE Take back control of your health & wellbeing,Video series: Part [...]

How to Fully Release Muscle Tension with Somatics

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week. I don't know where this year is going! It is racing by! As you may be aware if you follow me on Facebook or on Instagram, next week I am holding a mini video series which you can receive via email. This will accompany the membership doors opening from 20th-22nd November. On that weekend, I will be holding a LIVE Q&A session [...]

Total Somatic Movement for Self Care & Healing

Hello, how are you? I hope you have had a good week. As we approach the end of another year, many are feeling tired and running on empty. With the way the world has flipped since March 2020, there is even more pressure on many levels people have to contend with. That is why, more than ever, a regular self care routine/ritual is so important for your emotional, mental, physical and energetic health and wellbeing. As many of [...]