Hello, how are you? I hope you are keeping well. During the last few weeks I have been involved [...]
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all well and having a brilliant week!
As I mentioned in my recent weekly blog, [...]
If you are involved with a sport, repetitive activity or suffer with muscle tightness and pain, did you know [...]
August 22, 2018 By Heidi Hadley Blog
brain, brain map, cycling, educate, empower, habitual behaviour, muscle tension, neurofeedback loop, office worker, PAIN, pandiculation, posture, recalibrate, sport, stretching, subconscious, weak core
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At the moment every news article and media outlet are highlighting the coronavirus. Although it is good to stay [...]
Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week. If you joined me [...]
November 24, 2021 By Heidi Hadley Blog
ask heidi hadley, colitis, crohns disease, emotional wellbeing, free ebook, gut health, heidi hadley, irritable bowel syndrome, mental health, mindset, pain relief, pandiculation, Podcast, somatic movement, stress relief, total somatics, you tube
Comments Off on Can Total Somatics help with Gut Issues?
The mindfulness sessions are having a profound effect on your neurological health. MRI scans show that after just 8 [...]
How movement and emotion are linked
In this week’s blog I will be developing another area of ‘Somatic in September’ [...]
September 12, 2018 By Heidi Hadley Blog
challenge, emotion, emotional state, internal dialogue, life skills, mental health, mental state, mindset, movement, posture, R U OK?, wellness
Comments Off on Week 2 – Somatic In September
I am sure you would agree with me that 2020 has certainly been a year of mixed emotions and [...]
November 11, 2020 By Heidi Hadley Blog
2020, balance, ever changing world, free ebook, homeostasis, mindfulness, pain relief, Podcast, resilience, save the date, somatics, stress relief
Comments Off on How to create Somatic Mindfulness in an ever changing world
Hello! How are you?
It has been a busy few weeks as I finish in clinic for the [...]
December 22, 2021 By Heidi Hadley Blog
ask heidi hadley, FELDENKRAIS, free ebook, free webinar, memory, mindfulness, mindset, PAIN, pandemic, pandiculation, Podcast, resilience, RESOURCES, somatic movement & mindset podcast, somatics, stress, total somatics membership, trauma, TRIGGERS
Comments Off on How to create & nurture Resilience when you feel Triggered
As we approach the end of this year, we can certainly say it has been a year we won’t [...]