How do you react to stress?
Hello and welcome to week 1 of Mindful in May.
To get started, please watch my short video below to find out more?
During this week, could you make a note of how you react to stress? Also could you make a note of how you feel inside when you are stressed? Do you feel you operate on nervous energy or high functioning anxiety drives you? Do you feel exhausted and as if you want to curl up into a ball and close the door to the world?
Did you know that there are subconscious or unconscious actions happening within your nervous system which contribute to many areas of your health? During The 5 day Total Somatics LIVE experience, I will delve into the reasons why and also how you can create greater flexibility and resilience within your nervous system to take care of your health and wellbeing.

From Monday 24th - 28th May I will be holding LIVE events.
The events will start every day at 9pm Australian Eastern time, 12noon UK, 7am Eastern time and 4am Pacific time.
The events will also be recorded, so if you are unable to join me LIVE, there will be an opportunity to watch the replays.
The 5 Day Total Somatics LIVE experience will combine knowledge and skills. However between the Workshops on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, there will be implementation and Q&As sessions on the Tuesday and Thursday. I want to deliver this amazing work to you, so you can feel the benefits of reduced pain, improved posture, increased mobility and greater awareness of your daily activities and habits to address recurring issues.
During this focused month of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset & Mindfulness, there will be no podcasts released. I would like you to invest time in your health and wellbeing by watching my video series and joining me from Monday 24th-28th May for The 5 day Total Somatics LIVE Experience.
TO SECURE your FREE spot in the workshops,
I look forward to meeting you soon!Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx