How to enhance the quality of your Breath, Posture & Movement

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a wonderful rest over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Are you ready for 2022? I am looking forward to serving you this year with some amazing new features and content inside and outside of The Total Somatics membership. Recently I put a call out to ask the general public what they would like Total Somatics to create to support them with their health and wellbeing. [...]

How to create & nurture Resilience when you feel Triggered

Hello! How are you? It has been a busy few weeks as I finish in clinic for the holidays and I also held the last Total Somatics members' workshop for 2021, covering lots of brilliant questions. I am sure you would agree the last few weeks of the year, simply fly by! During the last few weeks I have had AMAZING conversations with lots of people and there has been a great deal of discussion over mindset and [...]

The Importance of Community, Mindset & Intention

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a good month, the end of the year is fast approaching! Where has this year gone?! As we approach the end of each year and begin a new one, we often review what we have achieved and also what we feel we need to improve on. This is why I felt it was so apt to bring Bron Hadley, Total Somatics' recent guest speaker in our membership [...]

Can Total Somatics help with Gut Issues?

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week. If you joined me LIVE or watched the REPLAY of the Q&A session, thank you for taking time out of your day to learn how Total Somatics and my ongoing support can help you with your wellbeing intentions and goals. If you missed the deadline for the membership, please leave you details on the WAIT LIST and next year when the doors open again, you [...]

Gain FOCUS & CLARITY with your Health & Wellbeing

Hello again!! I hope you have been enjoying this 3 part mini series. I love sharing how Total Somatics has been creating huge shifts and changes in people's lives around the world. Very soon, at 12.01am Melbourne/Sydney time on Saturday 20th November until Monday 22nd November 11.59pm Pacific time, I will be opening The Total Somatics Membership doors for the final time in 2021. If you have any questions you would like me to answer, CLICK HERE [...]