How to influence your Nervous System to improve your Wellbeing

Hello! How have you been recently? I hope you are well. This week my podcast episode is a bit of a geek fest!! I will delving into your AMAZING brain and how it is constantly adapting to what we take in and practice. Within this week's episode, I discuss areas of your brain and how they interact with each other throughout your day. You will learn how powerful Total Somatic Movement practice is and how [...]

The art of listening to your body: Pandiculation

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a great week and keeping well. It has been a brilliant week, connecting and answering many of your questions. Plus for members within The Total Somatics Membership, I announced within The Members' Private Facebook group a new feature coming to the membership very soon. If you are a member and at this point not within The Members' Private Facebook group, please email and we will invite [...]

How to Improve your Health & Wellbeing

Hello! How are you? Thank you for getting in touch with me, it is great hearing from so many of you with questions and wonderful accounts of how Total Somatics is helping to ease their pain and discomfort. Total Somatics contains a wealth of knowledge and skills to help you improve your health and wellbeing. Outside of the membership, you can use the public search bar at the top right hand side of the Total [...]

Assessing & Harnessing your Habits

Hello! How are you? I hope you are keeping safe and well. I would like to ask you a question about your day, today. Have you considered all the intricate details and actions you have created today to bring you to this very moment? Thankfully, we have areas of our amazing brain that will take good care of us and we don't have to consciously think about it, such as the beat of our heart, every [...]

The Importance of creating a Healthy Mindset

Hello! How are you? Where do these weeks go? I hope you have had a good week. As a regular listener to my podcast episodes, you will know how I created Total Somatics to support people around the world by combining the power of developing a global approach towards your Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness practice. So in this week's episode, I discuss how to create a healthy Total Somatics Mindset. Within this episode, I delve into our mindset, belief systems [...]