Frame your Mindset

Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a good week xx As we approach the beginning May, I am really excited to be sharing this special month with you! Every year, Total Somatics holds the theme of Mindful in May. It is a great way to recalibrate and reset for the second half of the year. Bearing this in mind, I have created a podcast episode to get you and I ready for [...]

The Connection between your Breathing, Posture & Mindset

Hello! How are you? Have you had a good week since we last caught up? There are lots of really exciting things happening soon in May which I will let you know about later in the month. However, the main thing to consider is that if you have subscribed to my weekly blogs and podcast, you will be the first to know. So if you haven't yet subscribed to my blogs, CLICK HERE to be on [...]

Gain FOCUS & CLARITY with your Health & Wellbeing

Hello again!! I hope you have been enjoying this 3 part mini series. I love sharing how Total Somatics has been creating huge shifts and changes in people's lives around the world. Very soon, at 12.01am Melbourne/Sydney time on Saturday 20th November until Monday 22nd November 11.59pm Pacific time, I will be opening The Total Somatics Membership doors for the final time in 2021. If you have any questions you would like me to answer, CLICK HERE [...]

Create Change & Transformation with your Health & Wellbeing – Mini series: Video 2

Hello! I hope you are enjoying this week's video mini series. As you may be aware, this weekend I will be opening the doors to the membership for the final time in 2021. I would love to teach you how to create change and transformation with your health & wellbeing within The Total Somatics Membership. If you haven't already signed up to the LIVE Q&A session this weekend(the replay is available for a limited time),CLICK HERE Create Change [...]

Take back control of your health & wellbeing – Mini series: Video 1

Hello! How are you? Well we have an exciting week ahead! This weekend I will be opening the doors to the membership for the final time in 2021. During this special week, I have created a 3 part mini series for you to enjoy. If you haven't already signed up to the LIVE Q&A session this weekend (the replay is available for a limited time), CLICK HERE Take back control of your health & wellbeing,Video series: Part [...]