Adapting to a new way of life during the pandemic
Hello, how are you this week? At the moment every week seems to have many twists and turns. There is something my husband and I have found extremely amazing to witness, the kindness of humankind. We often see the negative footage in the media of people, however this week we have seen how people have used technology to reach out to each other.
Humans are social creatures and we thrive on connection, love and communication. So in today’s blog I would like to explain with the use of a really good infographic a client sent me, how we are all transitioning through this time period. I would also like to bring in an analogy I have been using during the last few weeks whilst teaching online with clients around the world.
Mixed emotions
From the moment this pandemic kicked off, it has affected the entire world. Our habits, routines, behaviours, belief systems and comfort zones were all challenged. Yet the amazing part about human nature, which I have been observing with my clients and others, is their resilience and determination to carry on, despite hardships.
I would like to highlight this infographic a client sent me in response to my Facebook (@TotalSomatics) and Instagram (@Total.Somatics) video on Saturday 28th March 2020. Within the video I mentioned how I will be releasing more support videos and information to help everybody through this uncertain time. I discussed emotion and how it has affected people, including myself. This video stimulated so many emails and messages that I wanted to elaborate within this week’s blog.
The following infographic highlights the Kubler-Ross Curve. We have certainly had our fair share of curves recently, however this curve considers our emotional response to change. Notice that at different points, we have all had a shock. It will vary from person to person, depending on how this pandemic has affected people.

Notice the initial shock. At times it may still feel surreal, waking up wondering if this was all a really bad nightmare. Then after that different emotions such as frustration and anger surface, leading to depression, anxiety, overwhelm, fear and stress. We know with this current level of uncertainty, this will continue to catch us at different times. However when it does, allow those emotions, such as crying to release. Don’t hold it in, it is a way for your mind and body to release stress which you have been holding in up to this point. At different times you will find it is ready to come out.
Let us consider the infographic further. What we may be finding in some areas of the world, people are beginning to bounce back up the curve, this is the only curve we want to see increase. We are seeing people engage with a “new normal,” learning how to adapt and integrate this new situation they have been thrusted in to.
This whole experience has dreadful consequences for many, however, could you use this situation to adapt and change so that you can come out the other end emotionally, mentally and physically more resilient? I have been saying to clients online for some time that this whole episode is one big pandiculation for mankind and society. Let me explain why.
One big pandiculation
If you are familiar with Total Somatics, you will know from my blogs and online program that the 3 step process used to release muscle tension, improve posture, increase mobility, develop mindfulness, break poor habits and create new habits is a process called PANDICULATION. Within Total Somatics I teach you movements and techniques which include the following 3 steps:
- Contraction of muscles - this “wakes up your brain.” It brings the area of your brain which controls muscle coordination to your attention. Once your brain has been alerted to this stimulus, it becomes observant to the next step.
- Slow release and lengthening of your muscles - this part teaches your brain to muscle communication how to FULLY release and let go on muscle tension. This is the ACTIVE, LEARNING part of the process. You are allowing your brain to notice the change in movement and pattern. You notice where there is resistance to change and work mindfully.
- Complete rest - this is the integration phase. This is where you allow time for your brain to absorb all these changes and allow areas of your to brain to “re wire” and learn there is a “new normal” because you have changed how your brain communicates to your muscles. Continued practice and principles taught within The Total Somatics online program allows you to notice the changes in your muscle tone, the reduction in pain and how you have worked through resistance. It also allows you to realise this movement practice changes your neural or brain landscape, just as much as it changes your musculature.

Let us now consider how society and mankind have had one big pandiculation.
- Shock (as seen in society and within the infographic above) has created a huge stimulation or contraction to our “normal.” It has "woken up" mankind and brought our habits, behaviours, mindset, belief systems, trends in society and health to our attention. Until now, many have been living most of their life subconsciously, doing the same things day in and day out.
- The change in our habits and how we live has been forced on us to change. It has created a level of resistance, frustration, fear and uncertainty. We have had to ACTIVELY change and consider how we live and whether we like it or not, LEARN quickly to the new process. For the moment it is a “new normal," however long term, it will alter what we have always though was "normal" to a new way of living.
- Once we have allowed ourselves to go with this process, the ability to adapt and change, thanks to the process of neuroplasticity and bioplasticity, then we can let these changes sink in. This “sinking in” process may take longer for some more than others. Just as we would with a pandiculation to release muscle tension, reduce pain, improve posture, increase mobility and develop mindfulness, we never want to rush the integration phase. This is just as important as step 1 and 2. We need time to process, absorb and adapt to change. That will be different for everybody and that is why we need to give each other space.
Watching people evolve
During the last few weeks I have been absolutely amazed to see how people have gone through their own pandiculation with their mindset and belief systems. People that say they are “techno phobe” have adapted to my changes and joined me online for live somatics classes. Only a few weeks ago, these clients would have been amazed to know how quickly they adapted to change. The progress they have made and embraced wholeheartedly is so inspiring. That is what I find so amazing about human nature, people are capable of more than they give themselves credit for.
As we continue to progress into this “new normal” and experience our very own pandiculation - breaking old habits, attitudes, behaviours, mindsets and belief systems, could you consider learning Total Somatics online? I will be connecting even more with you than ever before because connection is so important and mental health is equally as important and physical health. At this time and as a change to my current online program, I will be introducing live sessions and the ability to have one on one consultations with me so we can really tailor your treatments.
I will also be launching more material within the online program and providing much more support. I want to support you now and on in to the future. If you haven’t already subscribed to my You Tube Channel, please do because I will be providing free material for you which is specific and links in with my live online classes, one on one sessions and the online program. I will be providing skills and knowledge to layer your understanding on areas of Somatic movement, mindset, mindfulness and lifestyle factors. With over 20 years within the health care industry and as a qualified teacher in adult education, I have created a tailored package which can support you, create outcomes that are attainable, achievable and rewarding.
Stayed tuned to my blogs, social media pages - Instagram, Facebook and You Tube because I have my proactive and productive hats on at the moment, looking at ways to serve you during these uncertain times.
To learn more go to check out my FREE Ebook and visit
Keep safe and well.
Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx