The Power of Total Somatic Mindfulness

Hello! How are you? I am really looking forward to our month together!

As you may be aware, I will be holding weekly LIVE events online with the opportunity for you to watch the REPLAY. It begins this weekend. Every weekend in September I will be delving into one of the four Total Somatic Movement Modules within the digital program, Release Tight Hips & Back with Clinical Somatic Movement.

I will unlock each module and provide bonuses to complement your digital program. You will learn how to regulate certain aspects of your nervous system and understand how tight hips and back pain are directly linked to brain responses.

Many people believe that in order to lengthen and release muscles, you have to stretch, foam roller and put a alot of effort into the belly of a muscle to get it to release. However, if you are a regular to my podcasts, you will know this couldn't be any further from the truth!

When you truly understand how your nervous system influences your muscles, mindset, movement, inflammation levels, pain perception and how you talk to yourself, you realise Total Somatic education is a value tool to have within your wellbeing kit to help with maintainence and repair for your mind and body.

Each of us exist in time. How you feel and respond to your Total Somatic Movement practice will be different to how you did a day, week, month or year ago. That is because your nervous system is shifting and changing all the time. Within your practice, you gain alot of insight into how you feel each day and what you can do to create a state of balance or equilibrium when life becomes challenging. So with every Total Somatic Movement session, you are gaining a deeper insight into how you feel, sense and function with different challenges and hurdles. You are creating resilience within your nervous system.

By joining me in September, you will gain a deeper insight into many aspects of Total Somatic Movement, Mindset and Mindfulness. The power lies in you actually noticing when your nervous system is changing, what is it doing to your internal world, how that shows up in your movement, awareness, mindset and internal dialogue and most importantly what you can do.

As we have all encountered varying degrees of stress in the past 3 years, as our own case studies, we can testify that stress and fear play a huge role in creating dysfunction to our nervous system and pain perception. That is why Total Somatics is such a powerful addition to your life because I have created content to address these factors, plus many more resources will be arriving in the Total Somatics membership in the coming months. So if you are a member, stay tuned!

Somatic in September

If you are a Total Somatics members, you will gain automatic access to the event. If you have purchased the digital program in the past or recently, you will also be invited to the event. This special month will focus on the burning questions and challenges of those who have access to the digital program, Release tight hips & back with Clinical Somatic Movement. Plus as you will discover in the LIVE workshops, when you regulate your nervous system with specialised techniques (bonus section to the event), it really enhances your Total Somatic Movement practice.

In this week's podcast, I reveal the importance and power of Total Somatic Mindfulness. The reason it is so powerful and incredibly important is because over the years, I have seen people literally copy Somatic Movements off internet platforms that provide free content. Unfortunately, this hasn't been great for them because it can create further issues because they have simply copied the movements, as you would do in a group fitness class.

Total Somatics is very different. I will teach you how to listen to the feedback from your body and also notice how you feel emotionally. These factors are very important and that is what differentiates Total Somatics. Rather, I would love you to fully understand and read your body from the inside out and know what to do to remedy your issues.

When you join me in September for this month long event, you will finish the month with a different nervous system! A nervous system that has become deeply enriched with many awareness skills and movement practices to help reduce pain, improve posture, increase mobility and recalibrate your nervous system.

TO PURCHASE the Digital Course, CLICK HERE.

Latest Podcast

In this week's podcast, I delve into the Power of Total Somatic Mindfulness and how important it is to our Total Somatic Movement practice. When you join me in September for my LIVE online event, you will learn why mindfulness is imperative with Total Somatic Movement & Pandiculation.

TO WATCH this week's podcast episode,
The Power of Total Somatic Mindfulness,

TO LISTEN to this week's podcast,
The Power Of Total Somatic Mindfulness,

I am really excited to be spending September with you and seeing how quickly you can reset your muscle length, create greater range of movementease pain and discomfort whilst increasing your awareness to your health and wellbeing with neuromuscular information, advice and tips.


Frequently Asked Questions revealed!

I have created a FREE pdf FAQ guide book. Within the guidebook are additional links to podcast episodes and other resources to build on the answers covered.

To download your FREE FAQ guide book, CLICK HERE.


As always, send your questions to me because I will cover them in future podcast episodes. Leave your questions at

To join the WAIT LIST and be the first to know when registration for the Total Somatics membership opens, CLICK HERE.

To stay connected via social media,
CLICK HERE to join The Total Somatics Facebook page
CLICK HERE to join The Total Somatics Instagram page

Have a fantastic week!
See you at the weekend!
All my love & best wishes.
Take care,
Heidi Hadley xx

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