Finding balance emotionally, mentally & physically in an ever changing world
This year has certainly been a challenging year and continues to present many character building situations our way. I have found recently discussing with various individuals online and in person that creating a healthy environment internally is so important when our external world can be unpredictable.
One thing humans are amazing at doing is adapting and at times we don’t give ourselves a lot of credit. This year has demonstrated how resilient we all are. In many cases, people have fine tuned their life and started to re-evaluate what really matters. This is fantastic and as I have mentioned in previous blogs, it has created one big pandiculation in a person’s mindset and focus in life.
In recent times however, people have reached out to me because they have found that their good intentions are still there, but obviously with uncertainty in the world, many are all returning to their work space or dividing time between their home office and place of employment. This has taken them back to a default behaviour or action which drives them to add an extra hour or two of work in each day. With the talk of unemployment, it is making people operate out of FEAR and this is an exhausting and unhealthy way to live.
As a result of many feeling this way and turning to me for support, I have created a podcast for you and anyone else you feel may benefit from the episode. Connecting together as a community and supporting each other has been one of the strongest foundations within The Total Somatics Community, especially with what has happened this year. So I would like you to experience some of that support within this episode.
EPISODE 31: Finding balance emotionally, mentally & physically in an ever changing world

As always, I am here to support and serve you within the area of your health and wellbeing. You can reach me either within the Total Somatics Facebook page, Instagram page or at If you would like to stay connected, please CLICK HERE to stay updated with any workshops, releases or other events that I will be holding.

Would you like to know how Total Somatics can help you reduce pain, improve your posture, increase your mobility and help your increase your awareness to why you may get recurring injuries or discomfort? CLICK HERE to download my FREE ebook and start living a life with less pain and greater movement.

Enjoy the podcast episode and please share with those you feel will benefit.
Take care and stay in touch.
Heidi Hadley xx