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How Mindful Somatic Movement influences your Nervous System
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The Power of Somatics before Sleep
Years ago I qualified and worked in the field of Neurophysiology. An area which I thoroughly enjoyed and specialised [...]
How is your posture? We all exhibit stress reflexes in our posture and they are triggers for chronic pain. Total [...]
Improving the quality of breathing
Hello, how have you been during the first week of Total Somatics' Mindful in May? It has been [...]
The Importance Of Good Posture & Muscle Control For Exercise
This time of the year, there are many people working on their new year’s resolutions. One of those resolutions [...]
The Power of Touch
In a society where we are becoming more focused on technology and having virtual conversations, it has resulted in [...]
The simple things in life – living with a somatic view everyday
Several months ago my husband and I were talking about happiness and the rising statistics with depression and anxiety [...]
The Benefits of Total Somatic Mindfulness
Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a brilliant week! xx As you may be aware, [...]
Willpower…does it really work? We are into the second month of the year. It’s that time of the year again [...]
The close relationship between Stress and Inflammation
In my previous blog I discussed how we can self manage chronic pain. Many would agree that one of [...]