The Power of Community, Connection & Communication
Hello, how has your week been? I hope you, your family and friends are keeping well. With the intensity and uncertainty we are experiencing, it has been heart warming to see how mankind can unite and be kind in the face of adversity. We are living in a historical moment in time. In the future, people will ask all about this period and it will be great to tell them how the importance of human connection shone through. In today’s blog we are going to consider how we can continue to adapt to this new way of living, which will actually change how we live and work in the future.
Being Bioplastic & Neuroplastic!
If you are a regular reader of my blogs, you will know that I often refer to the expressions scientists have coined as “Bioplastic” and "Neuroplastic." Thanks to scientific discoveries, we now know that our amazing mind and body are constantly adapting and changing, according to what we feed and influence it. What we feed our mind, as well as our body will produce healthy or not so healthy results. These uncertain times have created a huge jolt for millions mentally and emotionally. For health and economic reasons, people have felt fear and uncertainty, however watching and hearing stories of people dealing with these emotions, navigating and adapting to change has been inspiring. Watching different generations connect around the country and globe with technology has created tighter bonds for family and friends. They have forced themselves to move out of their comfort zone to connect with loved ones. Once pushing through that comfort zone, they release the majority of their fear was in their head, creating “what if” scenarios. As we all know, it is important to move forward and out of our comfort zone because this current world situation is changing how we operate, changing what was normal to a new normal.

Adapting to change
With huge shifts in the world and society, comes the need to adapt and change. Although we are adapting and changing, we also want to hold on to the most precious parts of humankind, that is community, connection and communication.
That is something that has really jumped out at me. Over the last few weeks, I have received so many emails and messages from people all around the world reaching out for support. This response made me and the Total Somatics team consider how we can meet the demands and requirements for you all in an ever changing world. We put our thinking caps on and reshaped Total Somatics online. We want the online program to be affordable, tailored to you, the changing world scene and good value for the content.
Check out the video to see how I have adapted the program for you.
How I can help you
You may want to resume or increase your passion for golf, cycling, sewing or playing an instrument whilst in insolation, for instance. With the restrictions in place, there are no boundaries with Total Somatics online, we can work together from my home to yours! Time zones are also no issue, I am use to holding online sessions with people at different times of the day, from different areas of the world. That is what is so fantastic about technology.
The Total Somatics program will have the following benefits for you:
- Allow you to do activities that are currently causing you pain, limited range of movement and stiffness in your joints. It will help you get back to activities you love to do.
- Provide you with a calm state of mind during these uncertain times.
- Customise a program tailored for you based on your time, individual health needs and resources.
- You will understand why your pain and tightness are recurring
- You will know how to release recurring tight muscles so you can continue to live and move more freely
- Develop life long skills that will help you continue or resume activities you love to do.
- Learn the latest science based neuromuscular approaches to allow you to move more freely, reduce pain, ease muscle tension and develop a sense of calm.
- Learning at your pace, at a time that suits you, in the comfort, safety and hygiene surroundings of your own home.
Benefits for Total Somatics Members
- Access to the entire Total Somatics online program, with new content being added often
- Live online classes (The recorded session link is sent to you if you cannot attend)
- Live support sessions and webinars
- Reduced rates for One on One Clinical Somatics sessions with me. USD $40 for 60 minutes. USD $50 for 90 minutes.
- A reasonable monthly rate to support you during this uncertain time
- The chance to cancel at anytime
Benefits for Non members:
- The ability to join live classes, support sessions and webinars, however there will be a cost to attend these classes. USD $10 per session.
- Able to book a One on One Clinical Somatics session with me at a slightly higher price than a Total Somatics member. USD $65 for 60 minutes. USD $75 for 90 minutes.
- The chance to join the Total Somatics online program, saving money by receiving live classes, live sessions, live webinars and the entire online program to deepen your knowledge and skills within a monthly membership.
I look forward to you joining me and the members already within the Total Somatics online program. Together we will build a community, connection and communication which will educate, empower and enhance the health of everybody involved. Tailored live classes will be starting very soon, so the sooner you can join us, the sooner you can gain the benefits of everything Total Somatics Online has to offer.
Take care, keep safe, stay well and see you very soon.
All my love & best wishes,
Heidi Hadley xx