How Mindset plays a Pivotal Role in your Life

Hello, how have you been keeping during the last week? With just over a week left for this year, one area of our life we have all had great experience with in 2020, is our mindset. As we end this year and start 2021 with an awareness of what this coming year may have in store, it allows us to start focusing on our mindset. When we consider the power of our mindset, we realise it is critical to how we frame our day, how we think, what we watch, read, talk about, listen to and follow through with.

Within this week’s podcast “Mindset is EVERYTHING” I delve into your mindset and how you train it plays a pivotal role within your life.

To listen to this week’s podcast, CLICK HERE.

Join me LIVE on Facebook

I have had many questions from people around the world asking about resilience, mindset, The Total Somatics approach to health and wellbeing plus living with reduced pain and improved mobility. So to answer some of your questions, join me LIVE on Facebook.

You can join me on the Total Somatics Facebook page by CLICKING HERE.

Join me LIVE from wherever you are in the world:

Australian Eastern time: Thursday 24th December 9.30am
Australian Central time: Thursday 24th December 9am
Australian Western time: Thursday 24th December 6.30am
United Kingdom: Wednesday 23rd December 10.30pm
Eastern Time: Wednesday 23rd December 5.30pm
Pacific Time: Wednesday 23rd December 2.30pm

If you have any questions, please email them to so I can cover your subjects.

I look forward to connecting with you all.
All my love,
Heidi Hadley xx

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